Sunday, May 18, 2008

Thing #10 : Technology Blogging

I was watching tv one night and saw this story on CBS about a guy named John Kanzius. He doesn't have a degree in science or medicine and he came up with this idea that may actually cure cancer. He said he used to put together radios when he was younger and knew that radio waves didn't have any real affect on humans, but they could affect metals. For an example, he turned his machine on and put his hand between two points, nothing happened. Then he put a fluorescent light bulb between those same two points and it lit up without any wires, etc. being attached to it. So he wants to inject cancer cells with small amounts of metal and then zap them with radio waves which he believes will kill the cancer cells. The saddest part of the whole story was that even though they're testing his machine at a university, he may not be around to see if it works but he hopes it does because it could save countless lives. You can read all about Kanzius and his machine here:

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